Feltham Choral Society
Why not join in the very friendly Feltham Choral Society? 30 of us meet each week to work hard learning music and socialise over refreshments during the break. No audition, but the ability to follow music to a certain degree is essential. Our music director will assess your ability and progress and advise you accordingly. 3 week trial period before committing. We also perform at least 3 concerts a year. Other social events include a quiz with a fish and chip supper, coffee mornings and a summer supper party.
Rehearsals: Wednesday’s, 7.30pm - 9.30pm, St Dunstan’s Church, St Dunstan’s Road, Feltham.
Website: www.felthamchoralsociety.org.uk
Fees: Annual Full £129 Concessions £102 annually or divided into 3 terms.