Mosaic Design Principles: Online Exhibition
Mosaic Design Principles
The London Borough of Hounslow, Feltham Arts, the Friends of Feltham Green and local artist Susie John want to hear from the public to gain an understanding of the themes and styles of mosaic which appeal most to local people in anticipation of creating 3 potential mosaic designs, which will go to public vote at the end of August to create a public mosaic artwork on the retaining wall of Feltham Green in 2022.
Lead artist Susie John has prepared a selection of themes and styles of mosaic as examples for the public to share their initial views on below. Your feedback will help us to ensure we are including as many people’s views and ideas as possible when we reach the design phase of the project.
There are a selection of 5 themes and styles to choose from which are listed below and included within the public online survey which can be accessed here
There is also an opportunity to share any other ideas or comments or image suggestions you may have at the end of the online survey.
Option 1 Ducks & Birds
Option 2 Flowers & Plants
Option 3 Fish & Water
Option 4 Mix of Nature & Animals
Option 5 Other- Historical, People, Transport, Agriculture, Geographic
Option 1 Wild Mosaic
Option 2 Classical Mosaic
Option 3 Modern
Option 4 Abstract/Pattern
Option 5 Pictoral/Graphic